Post by kirkfraser on May 9, 2012 21:43:48 GMT -5
Truth Storm is a movement for freedom but what does that mean? Many people use freedom to sin. American freedom is the freedom of Christians to worship God how they choose or are led without being harassed or persecuted by the government. That's why the Pilgrims came to America, to be free from persecution by England and that's why Independence was declared and fought for and won. So freedom is not a license for criminals, including those licensed and given immunity by the government, to commit crimes, it is freedom to get as close to God as possible. That ultimate freedom is available within your person, no matter if your body is in jail, limited by bars, economic or medical circumstances, or whatever. You can pray for anything in Jesus' name and He said he will give it to you. Physical freedom is of course easy too, if you are following God closely enough. Peter was released from jail by an angel. Jesus released many who were imprisoned by disease. All the freedom you want is available in Christ. Government limits freedom in many ways. Once people vote to add taxes to their property for any purpose, that means you aren't living on your land for free. If you don't produce enough money to pay taxes then you can have your property taken away by the government. There is a cure for that too if people put an item on the ballot and vote for it. You can vote to dissolve the government that is taking your tax money, either specific line items like schools or the entire city or county or state you live in. Even the federal government isn't immune to this process if enough people in the nation participate. And if you don't find enough people who will cooperate with you, then you can take the freedom afforded by Rev. 18:4 and move away. I'm doing this and I've already found rural people have a lot more freedom than town people, just because they aren't so full of their artificial agendas. What other freedoms do we want? There may arise in your heart the desire to be free of some chores whether mowing the lawn, cooking food, or working. There is a long-term possibility here too. Robots could be made to do just about anything in the material world so we can spend more time in the spiritual world. Here's a video showing one way to improve people's lives, with robots, be sure to watch the end. www.hulu.com/watch/69831/outer-limits-family-valuesWhat's wrong with that video? Two things - people still are forced to go to work by the economy instead of volunteering to work as they choose. And the robot didn't train the head of the household to do better like the other family members but replaced him. So robots could be made which would make every family self-sufficient with no need to participate in the economy, the equivalent of everyone being retired at the same time. Is that a worthy goal? Jesus spoke in Mark 13:14 This may or might not mean a robot - it could be anything as simple as a DVD player with a dead-man switch hooked to a solenoid operating a gun. If you press the "I worship the beast" button, you live and if you press "I do not worship the beast" you die. Not a sure interpretation but a guess. In any case the warning may apply to a robot taking the function of a Priest in the rebuilt temple. Or it may also be closer to home like in the video. In any case a robot should never take the place of a human in contacting God since robots have no spirit and God desires worship in Spirit and Truth. Well that pretty much covers all the paths to freedom I know about. Oh, here's one more item to consider - what if you were so much in Spirit you could do anything? What would you choose to do?
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 10, 2012 1:36:05 GMT -5
As for robots, all anyone needs to do to see what robots can and ultimately will lead to is watch the movies 'I, Robot' and 'The Matrix'. Robots are the first step in the elites plan of Transhumanism to try and reach superiority and ultimately immortality.
Post by kirkfraser on May 10, 2012 3:19:27 GMT -5
Bad outcomes are required for drama to create a fight to keep the audience awake and attentive. Blaming robots is a common theme because they are literally "the machine" to rage against in a way and it saves writers from having to blame a human which gets sticky with racism and so on. But there are much better possibilities for robots. The Star Trek Next Generation character Data is a good one, as is Star Trek Voyager's holographic Doctor.
Imagine a world were everybody has some free land (like the original Plymouth Colony) and two robots per family, one for outdoor work and one for indoor work to accomplish total material self-sufficiency, so no government is required, feeding teaching and entertaining K-Ph.D. without schools. Such a culture spread around the world could end poverty, illiteracy, crime, terrorism, and war by teaching everyone the true church, the same language, and making economic worries a thing of the past.
Of course Muslims wouldn't convert unless raised from childhood in the truth. So after the great tribulation, swords could definitely be beaten into plow shares and pruning hooks plus money could be cast into the streets as useless.
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 10, 2012 3:26:02 GMT -5
Interesting idea on paper; but in my oppinion, like communism, it only works on paper. Who programs the robots? How do you know theres no hidden program for a takeover installed? How do you make sure the AI doesnt become too intelligent? How do you avoid them from being hacked? Too many cons. I feel we should return to sinpler times, not continue making them more complicated.
Post by kirkfraser on May 10, 2012 5:21:26 GMT -5
> Who programs the robots?
As IBM learned with Watson, their project which won Jeopardy against the two all time best players, 4Tb of human knowledge is too large to program, it must be learned. The best humans can do is write the learner and feed it the right knowledge. The Bible's truth is the right knowledge.
> How do you know theres no hidden program for a takeover installed?
You don't since the programmer can't guarantee it. However, it can be managed by asking questions and starting over whenever it gives a bad answer that even hints of taking over. As with P-type Christians, the slightest hint is usually a warning of future behavior not just a mistake. > How do you make sure the AI doesnt become too intelligent? Define too intelligent. If it can think with absolute perfection like God does, that could be a good thing. > How do you avoid them from being hacked?
That is indeed a problem, which plagues existing computers, and with robots attached, could result in deaths. One solution is parallel cores where one protected core runs the old program checking to see if the new updates work or cause errors before adopting them. Another is completely open processing so everyone can read what's on the robot's agenda before executing it in reality.
> I feel we should return to sinpler times, not continue making them more complicated.
To get simpler, we'd have to end most of government, media, and internet returning to everyone farming. That could be a definite improvement if everyone also kept turning to God. The problem is moving from here to there - not one liberal, over half the population given Obama voters, would want to lose any level of government, the source of their power.
The simplicity we should seek is the simplicity of Jesus Christ, who was able to turn water into wine and feed thousands with a few loaves and fish. When we accomplish that, we will have no need for any machines.
Unfortunately I don't see as much progress in that direction as I would like, even with just myself. I know it is possible for I have experienced a few miracles. But relying on God enough to live by Him without other help needs more prayer and faith - I would like to grow into that but at present I still require help from the material world just to eat.
While waiting on God to lead me closer to Him, I can work on getting a free supply of material needs which could help all people immensely. Suppose robots were successful at doing most everything right like Star Trek's Data or The Jetson's Rosie and they were made available to true J-type Christians so they increase while the liberal P-type Christians decrease? That could provide an economic floor for the movement.
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 10, 2012 7:05:23 GMT -5
This robot thing is an area im going to agree to disagree. I feel theirs too uncertainty in creating these machines. Especially if they have a learnable AI. Itll only be a matter of time before things get disastrous. As much as i do use technology as it stands today, i feel technology of this caliber was never meant to be reached. Man is still to immature to handle such responsibility and power.
Post by kirkfraser on May 10, 2012 10:18:33 GMT -5
Ok, what about freedom in Jesus to act like an apostle? What if the true church trained everyone to that level? Is there any less danger if lots of people had the power of God to judge and kill like Peter when he killed Annias and Sophira for lying about their donation, which shut down the whole idea of having all things in common, instead of forgiving like Jesus would have and asking God for His supply as Jesus did?
I'm not talking about a dream - that level of faith is easier and more available to every believer in Jesus than any robot. I've experienced it many times so after I was kicked out of an intense church I prayed for my judgments to not result in death. In Astoria OR, two pastors I talked with fell to adultery and their churches disbanded, one within a week of my talking to him. In Longview, WA a newspaper publisher who refused to print my letters sold his paper and died in a helicopter crash. In Clatskanie OR the town's largest restaurant looked too sleazy painted black so I judged it and it burned down and they rebuilt in a much nicer wood color.
During Ronald Reagan's Presidency I respected him so I was told in Spirit the night before he was shot but I being too ignorant at that time failed to pray to intercede or phone the FBI or anything. But the next day after the news came, I prayed a lot. Recently when I got angry over Congressional Prayer Caucus and Foundation not reading my book, I prayed and the Virginia earthquake came and on TV I watched the guards on the White-house roof scramble and stumble as they shook. If the government had a clue on the power of prayer like America's Founders did, they'd immediately convert their forces into prayer teams.
The key thing is training people to pray Jesus' prayers instead of anything less. Peter's prayers weren't good enough even though they were answered. My prayers for some reason seldom had the orientation for healing people like Jesus. That's probably in part due to the intense P-type denomination I was in which exalted four books of Paul as the heart of the divine revelation instead of the four Gospels and Revelation or the New Pentateuch. I listen to the Gospel of John every night to get more faith and understanding oriented toward Jesus instead of the rest of the apostles and prophets.
Unless people follow Jesus only, they'll eventually have supernatural disasters as more people learn to pray as seriously as apostles. What would it be like to have a strong P-type type Christian praying for your death just because you are a J-type Christian? I've had those experiences and the damages to my health they brought. So we need to keep the truth from the P-type people and share it with the true Jesus oriented people.
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 10, 2012 16:40:20 GMT -5
Im not arguiing Jesus. If we were all that good in Gods eyes and had His spirit, it would be safer than robots as we're all living Christ-like. I dont have a problem with Peter, as Jesus chose him to lead the Apostles being the most innocent, not Paul. And until Satan is taken care of permanently you will always have people like Judas. Judas' of the world need to be dealt with. Peace will only happen when everyone is a True follower, Judas certaintly was not. As for the two Peter killed, there like Judas. In their own way, they lied and stabbed Jesus in the back.
Post by kirkfraser on May 10, 2012 20:19:20 GMT -5
In my opinion John was the most innocent. His head laid on Jesus' breast so his thoughts were closest to Jesus' heart. But he too was more perfect talking about what Jesus actually said in John and Revelation than in his epistles where he wasn't relaying Jesus' words but much of his own opinions. Many scholars believe Peter's gospel was transcribed by Mark. I'd say listen to all four and pick the one you like best to memorize. I still don't know how to memorize a Gospel as I have not accomplished it yet but the more times I listen to John it seems like I can better anticipate what is going to be said. Hopefully that will eventually result in full memory or maybe I'll learn another technique. This path has brought some difficulties Jesus didn't have. While Jesus was able to heal people completely, he also cursed the fig tree (representing Israel) so it withered up by the next day. Praying for healing, one man laid his hand on my shoulder and within a day a blister on my finger was gone. But it backfired and later more blisters appeared on my right foot, heel and 2nd toe without any other plausible cause. Later still another blister came as a result of following his impure love for this website www.freetom.info which false love led me to burn my stomach on a heater I slept in front of. So not everything is as easy for us as it was for Jesus - or we have to learn more lessons to be absolutely pure of heart like He was and little children are. How do you purify your heart so you can see Jesus? Matthew 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 10, 2012 22:07:43 GMT -5
John in the Gospel is not John of Revelation. The Book of Revelation came to a desciple John more than 100yrs after Jesus' crucifixion.
Post by kirkfraser on May 10, 2012 22:49:47 GMT -5
I guess that's one point where I'll agree to disagree. The sources I learned from say both books were written around AD 90. I have insufficient resources to support their conclusion or yours.
Now back to the topic. Since you've stated freedom is the goal of this movement and you pretty much agree with my definition, what specific sub-goals do you want to accomplish and what tactics should be engaged?
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 11, 2012 0:04:43 GMT -5
Thats where things get all screwy. Best thing to do is recruit members and spread the info. Im working on how to start a fundraiser, of which funds recieved will go into a massive flyer/cd/dvd/radio show/email campaign to attempt to awaken the sleeping and arm those awake with useful information. Im hoping to eventually meet someone in person who is a well-known personality to help achieve the goal by promoting the cause. The problem is getting those who are awake to Truth to speak up without fears of what others may think of them.
Post by kirkfraser on May 11, 2012 5:58:57 GMT -5
With God's help, I'm succeeding at discovering truth and writing it down. But I'm not very good at publicity - I'd like to appear as a radio guest but my voice and quick thinking on my feet skills are poor compared to most any radio host unless I'm really in Spirit. So I need practice.
I currently have free long distance phone in America and Canada via both Charter and Gmail voice. So I can call anybody toll free and talk Truth. Anyone interested, send me your phone number and a good time to call (I'm in Pacific time zone). My email address is overcomer.man@gmail.com
Post by Rev. Dr. Red on May 11, 2012 10:00:23 GMT -5
In a few weeks im supposed to be on a show. Ill see if i can get you on with me
Post by kirkfraser on May 11, 2012 10:20:02 GMT -5
Thank you. Anybody else? We need lots more voices speaking the truth, male and female.
When the Truth becomes a movement as big as the Civil Rights movement was, laws will change for the better.
Post by kirkfraser on May 11, 2012 16:28:43 GMT -5
As you wrote, it gets messy when promoting the truth. We agree on the truth but on getting funds to promote it, we have two different methods. Yours is a campaign for donations, which I don't believe in because it is what both pastors and politicians do. Mine is a project to produce a robot for sale, which you don't believe in because of possible dangers. Somehow I view that disagreement as funny!
Actually we ought both pray for Jesus' miracle power to convey the truth without money or price. He can perform above all we can ask or think. I've been watching Sid Roth's shows online and he reports miracle ministries most weeks including one report of a guy needing transportation and was led to go to the restroom in one airport and he praised God there and came out in the restroom of his destination airport! So God still works miracles, just not reported much by the media.